Gridizen makes it easy for tenants to build bridges with landlords and each other to create a harmonious living environment.
Gridizen makes it easy for tenants to build bridges with landlords and each other to create a harmonious living environment.
Get to know your neighbours and interact with your landlord in Gridizen Communities. Our group forums are a great place for residents to talk among themselves and discuss issues with landlords and property managers.
Dedicated maintenance forums enable you to solve maintenance issues without needing to go through a call centre or having to wait for landlord services to get back to you.
You don’t need to rely on social media channels to raise issues and get things done. Gridizen makes sure your issues are never missed, and keeps you up to date throughout the process of solving them.
Landlords and tenants have individual profiles that each party can access. The profiles contain contact details and other useful information relating to the rental history.
Access everything on the go on your mobile device. There is no need to wait for a customer service advisor or a property manager’s assistant. All contact details are available at your fingertips.
As a Gridizen tenant, you get special privileges. We work with local businesses to get you exclusive deals on anything you might need in the local area. Get great discounts on takeaways, local restaurants and gym memberships.
Because Gridizen is more than just a property management app, we want to connect you with your local community.
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Explore our other functions
One app for all your needs. Lettings management, tenant communication and property maintenance available 24/7.
Take control of your portfolio with software tailored specifically for the social housing sector.
Tenants can report maintenance issues, connect with each other and build a community that runs on trust.
Compliance tracking, seamless customer journey and tools to boost your productivity. An essential property management app for your day-to-day tasks.